Files, Folders & OS (Need) Exercises

Exercise 1 (Tidying a collaboration)

You are a member of an international team analysing environmental pollution. The project involves ten cities: Cairo, Dhaka, Jakarta, Karachi, Manila, Melbourne, Osaka, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo.

Your task is to process and organise data from various environmental measurements. The provided zip file,, contains all relevant data files for the past year.

Things to note

  1. Data Files: Each data file is named in the format month-date_city.txt (e.g., may-10_singapore.txt).
  2. Data Collection: Data was recorded sporadically; not all days of each month have corresponding data files. The dates of data collection vary across the cities.
  3. Exclusion of Files: Ignore any non-text files, such as those in .pdf, .png, or .jpg formats.
  • We like to convert the filename to a more useful numerical format. Specifically, we want to convert month-date-city.txt. (i.e. may-10-singapore.txt) to a mm-dd-city.txt (i.e. 05-10-singapore.txt) format.

  • Using the following dictionary (or otherwise), write a snippet of Python code to convert 'oct-08_singapore.txt' to 10-08-singapore.txt.

    'jan': '01', 'feb': '02', 'mar': '03',
    'apr': '04', 'may': '05', 'jun': '06',
    'jul': '07', 'aug': '08', 'sep': '09',
    'oct': '10', 'nov': '11', 'dec': '12'
  • Incorporate your previous code into a function named rename_my_file(old_file_name) that accepts the old filename as the argument and returns the new file name.
  • Use a for loop to apply the function rename_my_file() to the file list below.

    ['oct-08_singapore.txt', 'jul-10_cairo.txt', 'may-15_dhaka.txt',
     'may-13_cairo.txt', 'oct-21_cairo.txt', 'jan-10_singapore.txt',
     'jun-20_tokyo.txt', 'aug-06_jakarta.txt', 'dec-21_karachi.txt',
  • Print out your progress in the form old-file-name ----> new-file-name

  • With the help of glob, use rename_my_file() to rename all the .txt files in the folder.

  • Note that you might have to adjust your function rename_my_file() to accommodate the already renamed files.

  • Use a for loop to create a folder for each city.
    The list of cities is provided below for your convenience.

    ['Cairo', 'Dhaka', 'Jakarta', 'Karachi', 'Manila',
     'Melbourne', 'Osaka', 'Shanghai', 'Singapore', 'Tokyo']
  • Use glob to list all the files from Cairo.
  • Now use a for loop and shutil.copy() to copy all the files related to Cairo to the corresponding folder you created.
  • Tweak your code to move all the files to the corresponding folders of all the cities.
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