Tools of the Trade


It is not surprising that 73 will have to use technology. Some of the key requirements of technology in this module are:

  1. Easy access to Python,
  2. Ease of incorporating a scientific discussion with the Python code,
  3. Ease of sharing Python code for feedback and collaborative work.
  4. Ease of starting a discussion about the content.

No single platform can fulfill all these requirements, so we must use several different tools. However, I have organised the course to have an easy workflow for you to learn by doing and getting feedback. So here are the platforms we will use.

Platform How it will help us
Jupyter Notebooks Easy access to Python with ample features for scientific discussions.
GitHub Classroom Sharing the Jupyter Notebooks
Hypothesis Annotate, discuss centred on course notes.
Canvas Official Learning Management System (LMS) of NUS
Google Docs Scheduling and grading.
TEAMMATES For within group feedback

In this section, I will show you how to set up three essential tools, namely:

  1. Hypothesis,
  2. GitHub classrooms and
  3. Jupyter Notebooks.
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