Functions (Good) Exercises

Exercise 1 (Celsius to Fahrenheit or Kelvin)

  • Develop a function named convert_celsius() to convert temperatures from Celsius to either Fahrenheit or Kelvin.
  • The function should take two arguments:
    • temperature_celsius: The temperature in Celsius.
    • target_scale (string): The target scale for conversion, with the default value set to 'Fahrenheit'.
  • The function should return the temperature in Kelvin if target_scale is 'Kelvin'; otherwise, it should return the temperature in Fahrenheit.

Exercise 2 (Fahrenheit to Celsius or Kelvin)

  • Develop a function called convert_fahrenheit() for converting temperatures from Fahrenheit to either Celsius or Kelvin.
  • The function should take two arguments:
    • temperature_fahrenheit: The temperature in Fahrenheit.
    • target_scale (string): The target scale for conversion, defaulting to 'Celsius'.
  • The function should return the temperature in Kelvin if target_scale is 'Kelvin'; otherwise, return it in Celsius.

Exercise 3 (General Temperature Conversion)

  • Implement a function named convert_temperature() to perform general temperature conversions.
  • The function should take three arguments:
    • temperature: The temperature to be converted.
    • source_scale (string): The scale of the input temperature (either 'Celsius', 'Fahrenheit', or 'Kelvin').
    • target_scale (string): The desired scale for the output temperature.
  • Remember to reuse your previous functions!
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