Pandas (Good)

What to expect in this chapter

Now, we are ready to handle the topic of missing data. I delayed this discussion not because it is complicated but because I wanted to give you time to get comfortable with dataframes. We will continue to use the data from dummy-class_1-of-2.xlsx for this section.

1 Missing data

We know from info() that ‘Test 1’ and ‘Test 2’ are missing some data.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 35 entries, A3028967J to A7667457P
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------     --------------  -----   
 0   MATRIC_NO  35 non-null     object  
 1   Name       35 non-null     object  
 2   Major      35 non-null     category
 3   Gender     35 non-null     category
 4   Test 1     33 non-null     float64 
 5   Test 2     32 non-null     float64 
 6   Total      31 non-null     float64 
dtypes: category(2), float64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 2.0+ KB

1.1 All missing data

First, let’s see if we can get the exact locations of the missing data. Let’s start with the method isna().

MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
A3028967J False False False False False False False
A1282849W False False False False False False False
A5408925A False False False False False False False
A6973859L False False False False False False False
A5410124H False False False False False True True
A9568373Q False False False False False False False
A6824244G False False False False False False False
A9194090U False False False False False False False
A4828364M False False False False False False False
A4607700C False False False False False False False
A7067766E False False False False False False False
A5569996J False False False False False False False
A3202548I False False False False False False False
A6131593U False False False False False False False
A7653832E False False False False True False True
A9462811I False False False False False False False
A1218599T False False False False False False False
A7210476B False False False False False False False
A1512479K False False False False False False False
A7986368Y False False False False False False False
A2727061A False False False False False True True
A2999472W False False False False False False False
A7116486E False False False False False False False
A6931452S False False False False False False False
A9649096H False False False False False False False
A1643380L False False False False False False False
A6787293E False False False False False False False
A5975988J False False False False False False False
A3699958T False False False False True True True
A1956366U False False False False False False False
A1468689D False False False False False False False
A3217320C False False False False False False False
A6867791C False False False False False False False
A4080490P False False False False False False False
A7667457P False False False False False False False

The missing data is where you see True. I hope that you will agree that this information is overwhelming and utterly useless. So, we need to have a way to get more refined information.

1.2 Columns and rows of the missing data

We can exercise more finesse by combining isna() with any(). any() in this case just asks if there are any True values. The axis option will allow us to pick the rows or columns (Honestly, I can never remember which is which, so I just try 0 or 1 and see what I get).

df_class.isna().any(axis=0)      # Are there any True in the columns?
MATRIC_NO    False
Name         False
Major        False
Gender       False
Test 1        True
Test 2        True
Total         True
dtype: bool
df_class.isna().any(axis=1)      # Are there any True in the rows?
A3028967J    False
A1282849W    False
A5408925A    False
A6973859L    False
A5410124H     True
A9568373Q    False
A6824244G    False
A9194090U    False
A4828364M    False
A4607700C    False
A7067766E    False
A5569996J    False
A3202548I    False
A6131593U    False
A7653832E     True
A9462811I    False
A1218599T    False
A7210476B    False
A1512479K    False
A7986368Y    False
A2727061A     True
A2999472W    False
A7116486E    False
A6931452S    False
A9649096H    False
A1643380L    False
A6787293E    False
A5975988J    False
A3699958T     True
A1956366U    False
A1468689D    False
A3217320C    False
A6867791C    False
A4080490P    False
A7667457P    False
dtype: bool

1.3 More details of the missing numbers

Do you see that we can use the last output as a mask to locate the rows that have missing numbers? Let me show you the following:

mask_for_nan = df_class.isna().any(axis=1)
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN NaN
A7653832E A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female NaN 15.72 NaN
A2727061A A2727061A Malik Becker Physics Male 12.858 NaN NaN
A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN

1.4 Dealing with missing numbers?

How you handle missing numbers must depend on what type of data you are dealing with.

Here are a few things you can do:

Replacing the missing data with a constant value

For our dummy class, the numbers are missing because the students were missing from the tests. So, it is easy; we give them zero (the fourth option). The easiest way to do this is using fillna(). I will use a crazy value first so that you can see what is going on.

df_class.loc[:, ['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Total']].fillna(99999, inplace=True)
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN NaN
A7653832E A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female NaN 15.72 NaN
A2727061A A2727061A Malik Becker Physics Male 12.858 NaN NaN
A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN

Do you see it? Yes, it’s that easy.

Let me first replace the crazy number with 0 before I forget.

df_class.replace(99999, 0, inplace = True)
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN NaN
A7653832E A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female NaN 15.72 NaN
A2727061A A2727061A Malik Becker Physics Male 12.858 NaN NaN
A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN

Yes, there is a problem with the ‘Total’ column, but we can deal with that later since we have to modify it anyway.

Expunging all columns that have missing data (Drastic!)

I am not going to do this right now, but here is one way you can:

mask_for_nan_columns = df_class.isna().any(axis=0)
columns_to_keep = df_class.columns[~mask_for_nan_columns].values
df_class = df_class[columns_to_keep]

I inverted (using ~) the mask to pick those columns that are NaN free. Then I just updated df_class with only those columns.

This works too:

df_class.dropna(axis = 0, inplace=True)

Expunging all rows that have missing data (Drastic!)

Again, I am not going to do this right now, but here is one way you can:

df_class = df_class[~mask_for_nan]

Again, I just inverted my mask. And, yet again, the following works too:

df_class.dropna(axis = 1, inplace=True)

Replace missing data with a representative value (like an average)

Yet, again, I am not going to do this right now, but here is one way you can:

test_mean = df_class.loc['Test 1'].mean()
df.loc['Test 1'].fillna(test_mean)

1.5 Itterating over a dataframe

I was looking for a way to introduce iterating (looping) over a dataframe. Now is an excellent opportunity because we can use it to replace the missing data. But this is certainly not the best way because there are highly optimised weapons in the Panda’s arsenal like apply(), fillna() and so on. However, I (lazily) often find myself using loops because they are plain and simple to get started and understand.

You can loop through your dataframe using the method itterrows() as follows. It spits out the index and the row for every iteration.

for index, row in df_class.iterrows():
    name = row['Name']

    for column in ['Test 1', 'Test 2']:
        if np.isnan(row[column]):
            print(f'{index}: {name:<15}  missing data for {column}')
            df_class.loc[index, column] = 0

If you run this, you should end up with the following:

    A5410124H: Kyla Young       missing data for Test 2
    A7653832E: Quentin Kemp     missing data for Test 1
    A2727061A: Malik Becker     missing data for Test 2
    A3699958T: Norah Miles      missing data for Test 1
    A3699958T: Norah Miles      missing data for Test 2

You can extract the various columns from the row variable just as you do with a dataframe (loc and iloc works too). I have used isnan() from NumPy to check for NaN because you cannot use ==. I am also using the index to update the original value of the dataframe. There are cautionary tales (e.g. see Nice of Loops) about changing something while iterating over it. However, it is safe in this case.

2 Combining dataframes

Now I will show you how to combine two datasets into one dataframe. Done correctly, Pandas makes quick, efficient work of this1.

The file dummy-class-2-of-2.xlsx contains the data for ‘Test 3’. You should open this file using Excel, LibreOffice or Sheets to see what it looks like.

I am going to import this data and call it df_class_2. I will also rename the columns and set the index to MATRIC_NO. This last point is crucial when combining the two dataframes because the index is used to match the rows.

df_class_2 = pd.read_excel('dummy-class-2-of-2.xlsx')

#------------------------- Rename columns ------------------------#
new_column_info = {'Student No': 'MATRIC_NO',
                   'Test 3 (50%)': 'Test 3'}

df_class_2.rename(columns=new_column_info, inplace=True)

#--------------------- Set index to MATRIC_NO --------------------#
df_class_2.set_index('MATRIC_NO', inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 31 entries, A3028967J to A4080490P
Data columns (total 1 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   Test 3  31 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(1)
memory usage: 496.0+ bytes

If you look at the output of info(), you will realise that students are missing! It turns out the person who created this file only included the scores for the students who were present at Test 3. If you were going to work with spreadsheets, this would have given you a migraine. But with Pandas, it is going to be a breeze.

Let me combine (concatenate) the two dataframe using the pd.concat() method. I will specify axis=1 so that the dataframes are joined along the columns (not one on top of each other along rows).

df_combined = pd.concat([df_class, df_class_2], axis=1)

2.1 The complete recipe

Let me show you the complete recipe for everything we have done in this part. I have reordered some actions (e.g. creation of the ‘Total’ column) and modified a few things (e.g. df_class_1 instead of df_class). I have also removed the excessive comments from the previous version. Everything should flow nicely and make sense to you.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------#
#                           First file                            #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------#
df_class_1 = pd.read_excel('dummy-class-1-of-2.xlsx', skiprows=1)

columns_to_keep = ['Student No', 'Name', 'Major', 'Gender',
                   'Test 1 (30%)', 'Test 2 (20%)']
df_class_1 = df_class_1[columns_to_keep]

new_column_info = {'Student No': 'MATRIC_NO',
                   'Test 1 (30%)': 'Test 1',
                   'Test 2 (20%)': 'Test 2'}
df_class_1.rename(columns=new_column_info, inplace=True)

df_class_1.set_index('MATRIC_NO', drop=False, inplace=True)

replace_info = {
    'PHY': 'Physics',
    'CHM': 'Chemistry',
    'LS': 'Life Sciences',
    'CBIO': 'Comp. Biology',
    'F': 'Female',
    'M': 'Male',
    'NB': 'Non-binary'
df_class_1.replace(to_replace=replace_info, inplace=True)

def clean(text):
    Function to remove ' ' from column 'Test 2'.
    To be applied using apply()
        return text.replace("'", "")
    except AttributeError:
        # This will handle the NaN of the missing data
        return text

df_class_1['Test 2'] = df_class_1['Test 2'].apply(clean)

new_type_info = {'Major': 'category',
                 'Gender': 'category',
                 'Test 2': 'float'}
df_class_1 = df_class_1.astype(new_type_info)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------#
#                           Second file                           #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------#
df_class_2 = pd.read_excel('dummy-class-2-of-2.xlsx')

new_column_info = {'Student No': 'MATRIC_NO',
                   'Test 3 (50%)': 'Test 3'}
df_class_2.rename(columns=new_column_info, inplace=True)

df_class_2.set_index('MATRIC_NO', inplace=True)

# ---------- Concatenate the two dataframes along columns ---------#
df_combined = pd.concat([df_class_1, df_class_2], axis=1)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------#
df_combined.loc[:, ["Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"]].fillna(0, inplace=True)
df_combined["Total"] = df_combined[["Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"]].sum(axis=1)
df_combined.sort_values(by='Total', inplace=True)
df_combined = df_combined.round(2)
df_combined.to_excel('finalised_scores.xlsx', index=False)
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Total
A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN 0.00
A6867791C A6867791C Katie Ayers Comp. Biology Female 16.53 10.28 NaN 26.81
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.31 NaN 17.5 32.81
A7210476B A7210476B Sidney Wiggins Physics Non-binary 19.59 14.68 NaN 34.27
A7667457P A7667457P Carter Crane Life Sciences Male 20.82 13.82 NaN 34.63

3 Plotting directly from Pandas

Pandas allow us to speak directly to Matplotlib from the dataframe. So, the last thing I want to show you is how to do this as it will save you a lot of time. Especially when you are in the exploratory phase of using data.

For the following, I will use the df_combined dataframe. I will also keep my infatuation with xkcd in check and use another style from Seaborn2."seaborn-v0_8-darkgrid")

3.1 Barcharts

  1. grp = df_combined.groupby(['Gender'])["Total"]

  2. grp = df_combined.groupby(['Major'])[["Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"]]

3.2 Histograms

  1. If we like, we can create the axes that Pandas will use. Then, you can pass the axis using the ax option. Let me show you.

    fix, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharey=True, figsize=(10,8))
    df_combined['Total'].plot.hist(ax=ax[0, 0])
    df_combined['Test 1'].plot.hist(ax=ax[0, 1])
    df_combined['Test 2'].plot.hist(ax=ax[1, 0])
    df_combined['Test 3'].plot.hist(ax=ax[1, 1])

3.3 Pie

  1. df_combined.groupby('Major').size().plot.pie(autopct="%d")

    autopct specifies the format in which the percentages are displayed.

3.4 Boxplots

Boxplots are amazing at conveying a lot of statistical information efficiently. You will not go wrong if you get into the habit of using them often.

  1. This plots all the numerical columns as boxplots.


  2. df_combined.boxplot(by='Major', column=['Total'], vert=False);

  3. df_combined.boxplot(by='Major',
                        column=['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3', 'Total'],
                        vert=False, figsize=(8, 6));

There is more that you can do; you can find more details about plotting with Pandas at visualisation page of the Pandas documentation.

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  1. I dare you that the same using two spreadsheets is going to be inefficient, error-prone, and a headache.↩︎

  2. Actually, Seaborn is a wonderful package that add on to Matplotlib.↩︎