13| Graduate Data


The Singapore government maintains and publicly shares various datasets at Data.gov.sg. In this question, we will analyse the median salaries of graduates from the different universities in Singapore.

You need Pandas

This question heavily utilises the package called Pandas. Pandas is the de facto package for all things related to data analysis. You must familiarise yourself (see the Knowledge Lake) with how to use Pandas to work on this problem.


Download data

Download the data ‘Graduate Employment Survey - NTU, NUS, SIT, SMU & SUTD’ from the Data.gov.sg website.

Remember to read the descriptions of the data set so that you can know the data setup to your needs.

Read the data

Load the data into a Pandas dataframe. You might have to specify encoding='latin-1'

A quick peek

Quickly explore your dataset using the typical (e.g. info(), head(), shape) Pandas options.

Data Cleaning

Clean up the dataset by: 1. Shorter Names for the Universities 2. na replaced with np.nan 3. basic_monthly_median changed to type float.

Analyse the Data

Create a table of data that shows the minimum, maximum and mean for the basic_monthly_median as shown below.

{{< include temp-html-text.html >}}

Time to plot

Use the data you generated in the previous task to produce the plot shown above.

You might have to learn how to use the method pivot_table()

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