Viva (35%)

Quick Summary
Type Weight When Deliverable
Individaul 35% Weeks 12 & 13 30 min interview with the examnination panel.
Pick a viva slot.

1 Individual Viva-Voce

1.1 What is a Viva-Voce examination?

The Viva-Voce, or viva, replaces a traditional final exam. A Viva-voce (Latin for ‘with the living voice’) is a more interactive, engaging form of assessment. Vivas are often reserved for higher levels of study and are more demanding in terms of academic manpower. However, vivas are an essential feature of assessments in SPS.

Viva-voce examinations present a different approach to assessing student learning than written examinations, as examiners can directly interact with students and clarify and evaluate students’ understanding and skills at a much deeper level. Beyond conceptual understanding, these examinations can also assess soft skills such as problem-solving and scientific communication, where students can be prompted to elaborate on or defend their ideas(Sayre 2014; Markulis and Strang 2008). In that sense, viva examinations have the potential to serve as both an assessment for and an assessment of learning(Iannone and Simpson 2015).

1.2 Objectives of the 73 Viva-Voce

By the end of the semester, you will have acquired and practiced many skills. These include technical skills (e.g., Python, Git, Jupyter), science and problem-solving skills (e.g., computational thinking, Applications Challenge, Mini Project), and communication skills (e.g., presentations).

The 73 Individual Viva-Voce assesses your mastery of the course content, focusing on the Group Mini Project and the Applications Challenge. It evaluates your ability to apply your acquired knowledge and skills to problem-solving. The assessment goes beyond simple knowledge recall, requiring you to demonstrate deeper comprehension by adapting and expanding your code and justifying your choices based on the material learned in the first half of the semester.

1.3 What will you gain from the Viva

  • Two-way Assessment Platform: The viva, being a discussion between the student and the examination panel, offers numerous opportunities for real-time clarification and immediate feedback. You can explain, defend, and justify your strategies more clearly than in other examination methods.

  • Mimics Interview Scenarios: The viva is excellent practice for job interviews, providing an interactive examination environment with face-to-face communication. This experience will enhance your critical thinking and also develop communication skills. It will prompt you to craft thoughtful and coherent responses.

1.4 What to expect

Here are some of the types of questions that may be asked:

  1. What is the significance of line 10 of your code?
  2. Why did you use a for loop instead of a while loop?
  3. Can you change your function so that one of the arguments is optional?
  4. Can you use your strategy to solve a similar equation like…?
  5. What is the scientific rationale for that line of code?

1.5 Other matters

  1. All the viva sessions will be recorded for grading purposes.
  2. You can use any reasonable resource you like during the viva. However, you cannot message your friends or use a service like ChatGPT (because your friends or chatGPT are not being examined, dah!).
  3. You can bring anything (books, notes, laptop…) you like.
  4. You do not have to bring a copy of your Jupyter Notebook; we will have your submitted one ready.

1.6 Designing this assessment

With a mark allocation of 35%, the Individual Viva is the weightiest assessment component in 73. Due to this importance, I asked the help of the dynamic duo of Kellie Wong and Kelissa Goh, under the supervision of Linda Sellou, to conduct a study on Viva-voce assessments. The main intention of this study was to gather information to create an environment that is friendly, inclusive, fair, and conducive to your learning. In addition to a thorough literature survey, Kellie and Kelissa conducted focus group discussions with SPS mentors to hear their thoughts and experiences taking and grading viva assessments. The findings of this study have informed the instructions (to you and the examiners), the workflow, and the rubric you see below.

2 Grading

# Criterion Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Accomplished Distinguished
1 Basic Knowledge (Science)
Shows limited understanding of scientific principles and methodologies.
– Struggles to conceptualize ideas without extensive guidance.
Shows an acceptable understanding of basic scientific principles.
– Requires significant guidance.
Shows good comprehension of scientific concepts and their interrelationships.
– Require some guidance.
Shows in-depth understanding of scientific principles and methodologies independently.
– Require minimal guidance.
Exhibits exceptional understanding of scientific principles and methodologies.
– Independant and requires no guidance whatsoever.
2 Basic Knowledge (Computing)
Shows limited understanding of basic computing principles, syntax, methodologies and their interrelationships.
– Displays extensive errors or misunderstandings.
– Struggles to conceptualize ideas without extensive guidance.
Shows an acceptable understanding of basic computing principles, syntax, methodologies and their interrelationships.
– Displays significant errors or misunderstandings.
– Requires significant guidance.
Shows good comprehension of basic computing principles, syntax, methodologies and their interrelationships.
– Displays some errors or misunderstandings.
– Require some guidance.
Shows in-depth understanding of basic computing principles, syntax, methodologies and their interrelationships.
– Displays minor errors or misunderstandings.
– Require minimal guidance.
Exhibits exceptional understanding of basic computing principles, syntax, methodologies and their interrelationships.
– Displays a minimum of errors or misunderstandings.
– Independant and requires no guidance whatsoever.
3 Application of Knowledge and Extended Thinking
Struggles significantly with applying knowledge and critical thinking to problems.
– Struggles to conceptualize ideas without extensive guidance.
Applies some knowledge to problems but lacks depth.
– Requires significant guidance.
Synthesizes and applies knowledge effectively with occasional assistance. Shows some critical thinking.
– Require some guidance.
Applies knowledge and critical thinking effectively and independently.
– Require minimal guidance.
Exceptionally applies and extends knowledge and critical thinking beyond the given problems.
– Independant and requires no guidance whatsoever.
4 Communication
Communication is unclear and ineffective. Struggles to articulate ideas related to course content. Can communicate ideas in a structured and understandable way but lacks clarity or coherence in places. Communicates effectively with logical structure and clarity, integrating relevant course concepts. Communicates ideas persuasively and coherently, excellently integrating course concepts. Exceptional communication skills, articulating complex ideas with outstanding clarity and effectiveness, setting a benchmark for others.
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Iannone, Paola, and Adrian Simpson. 2015. “Students’ Views of Oral Performance Assessment in Mathematics: Straddling the ‘Assessment of’ and ‘Assessment for’ Learning Divide.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 40 (7): 971–87.
Markulis, Peter, and Daniel Strang. 2008. “"Viva Voce": Oral Exams as a Teaching & Learning Experience 35.
Sayre, Eleanor C. 2014. ORAL EXAMS as a Tool for Teaching and Assessment.” Teaching Science 60 (2): 29–33.