Pandas (Need)

What to expect in this chapter

This section will introduce you to dataframes. Data frames are one of the most powerful ways to store and manipulate data. They ‘look’ similar to spreadsheets, but don’t be fooled; dataframes are far more versatile and powerful. The Python package dedicated to dataframes is Pandas, which is built on top of NumPy. If you plan to work with data Pandas is one of the must-have tools in your toolkit.

Before proceeding…
  1. Import Pandas and NumPy using: python import pandas as pd import numpy as np

  2. You will also need the xlrd package to read and write .xls files. Please install it using bash conda install -c conda-forge -y xlrd

  3. Download the following data sets and move them into your active folder.

1. Test data for a dummy class dummy-class_1-of-2.xlsx
2. Data for another dummy class another-dummy-class.xlsx

1 What is a dataframe

An easy way to get started with dataframes is to read in some data and see what it looks like. I have prepared a dummy set of classrom data for this. You should have already downloaded it into the relevant folder in your Learning Portfolio.

1.1 Reading data from csv or excel files.

One of the most common file formats used to hold data that you will encounter are Excel files (.xls or .xlsx), csv(comma-separated-values) files or text files (.txt or .dat). Pandas offer ways to read all these files and (many) more. Let’s read in the data in dummy-class.xlsx.

df_class = pd.read_excel("dummy-class-1-of-2.xlsx", skiprows = 1)

I have used the option skiprows=1 because the first row of the Excel file contains a description that is not data. skiprows is one of many options we can specify.

I have used the variable df_class to hold the dataframe. With Jupyter you can see the dataframe in a nicely formatted output by simply running:

Unnamed: 0 Name Student No Major Gender Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
0 0 Braiden Henson A3028967J PHY M ‘18.96’ 20.205
1 1 Gustavo Vang A1282849W CHM F ‘17.44’ 13.470
2 2 Ronin Christian A5408925A PHY M ‘15.56’ 18.366
3 3 Owen Anderson A6973859L LS F ‘16.36’ 18.366
4 4 Kyla Young A5410124H PHY M NaN 15.306
5 5 Wyatt Oliver A9568373Q PHY M ‘14.088’ 12.246
6 6 Essence Bauer A6824244G LS M ‘16.72’ 16.530
7 7 Maryjane Sandoval A9194090U LS F ‘16.4’ 18.981
8 8 Carl Trujillo A4828364M LS NB ‘13.68’ 15.306
9 9 Halle Fritz A4607700C LS F ‘9.04’ 17.754
10 10 Marie Hoffman A7067766E LS F ‘16.88’ 19.593
11 11 Lilianna Kaufman A5569996J LS M ‘17.0’ 26.328
12 12 Jaxon Chung A3202548I PHY M ‘16.68’ 14.082
13 13 Zoey Oconnell A6131593U LS F ‘14.128’ 22.041
14 14 Quentin Kemp A7653832E CHM F ‘15.72’ NaN
15 15 Leo Mayo A9462811I PHY F ‘14.68’ 20.817
16 16 Camden Williams A1218599T CHM F ‘17.648’ 22.653
17 17 Sidney Wiggins A7210476B PHY NB ‘14.68’ 19.593
18 18 Solomon Fletcher A1512479K CHM F ‘15.0’ 18.981
19 19 Riley Christensen A7986368Y CHM F ‘16.016’ 15.306
20 20 Malik Becker A2727061A PHY M NaN 12.858
21 21 Skylar Hensley A2999472W CHM M ‘17.648’ 23.877
22 22 Braydon Duran A7116486E LS F ‘14.36’ 15.918
23 23 Jalen Harmon A6931452S LS F ‘16.88’ 22.041
24 24 Ean Haas A9649096H LS F ‘14.36’ 19.593
25 25 Carolina Mcmahon A1643380L PHY M ‘18.08’ 12.858
26 26 Elian Potter A6787293E PHY M ‘14.36’ 23.265
27 27 Litzy White A5975988J PHY NB ‘15.92’ 20.817
28 28 Norah Miles A3699958T CHM M NaN NaN
29 29 Mariela Sheppard A1956366U LS NB ‘11.0’ 18.366
30 30 Isabela Stokes A1468689D CHM M ‘16.8’ 18.366
31 31 Kathleen Rodriguez A3217320C PHY M ‘17.76’ 22.653
32 32 Katie Ayers A6867791C CBIO F ‘10.28’ 16.530
33 33 Tucker Sloan A4080490P LS M ‘15.04’ 17.754
34 34 Carter Crane A7667457P LS M ‘13.816’ 20.817

1.2 Characteristics to notice

Okay, now you are bound to think that the above dataframe is no different from a typical spreadsheet. First, however, let me draw your attention to three different characteristics.

  1. The first is the use of an index (leftmost column in bold) for each row (0 1 2 3...). This simple fact simplifies doing things with your data. I will show you some examples later.
  2. The second is that a column (called a Pandas Series) can only have a single type of data. So, for example, you can have numbers or text; but not both.
  3. The third is the presence of NaN (‘Not-a-Number’) when data is missing. Missing data is a common bane of real data; Pandas offers powerful ways to deal with such missing numbers transparently. I will show more later in this chapter.

For the moment,


Remember that a dataframe is like a spreadsheet but has an additional unique index for each row. This index plays an important role.

2 Quick Peeks

2.1 Head and Tail

Real data sets are bound to have more rows than the dummy class toy data set. You can take a quick peek at the top or bottom of the dataframe by using the head() and tail() methods, respectively.

Unnamed: 0 Name Student No Major Gender Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
0 0 Braiden Henson A3028967J PHY M ‘18.96’ 20.205
1 1 Gustavo Vang A1282849W CHM F ‘17.44’ 13.470
2 2 Ronin Christian A5408925A PHY M ‘15.56’ 18.366
Unnamed: 0 Name Student No Major Gender Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
32 32 Katie Ayers A6867791C CBIO F ‘10.28’ 16.530
33 33 Tucker Sloan A4080490P LS M ‘15.04’ 17.754
34 34 Carter Crane A7667457P LS M ‘13.816’ 20.817

If you do not specify the number of rows, it defaults to five.

2.2 Size and Shape

We can get the size and shape of the dataframe by using shape, len() and columns.

(35, 7)
Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Name', 'Student No', 'Major', 'Gender', 'Test 2 (20%)',
       'Test 1 (30%)'],

2.3 Summaries (I)

Pandas offer more powerful ways to get more valuable summaries of your dataset with the methods info() and describe().
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 35 entries, 0 to 34
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   Unnamed: 0    35 non-null     int64  
 1   Name          35 non-null     object 
 2   Student No    35 non-null     object 
 3   Major         35 non-null     object 
 4   Gender        35 non-null     object 
 5   Test 2 (20%)  32 non-null     object 
 6   Test 1 (30%)  33 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 2.0+ KB

This information is very useful. You can quickly see the various columns, what type of data they contain and how many data points are present. This is a good place to spot missing data like in ‘Test 1’ and ‘Test 2’. The type object means str or English-like data. float64 is floating point data (i.e. decimal numbers). We also note that ‘Test 2’ is not a numerical type despite their data having numerical significance. So, one of the first things we should do is convert these to numerical types. I will focus on type conversion a bit later. However, let me ‘parachute’ some code here to continue our discussion.

A quick digression

Pandas do not see ‘Test 2’ data as numbers because its data has additional' '.

df_class['Test 2 (20%)'].head(3)
0    '18.96'
1    '17.44'
2    '15.56'
Name: Test 2 (20%), dtype: object

Here, I first replace the ' with nothing and then convert the data using pd.to_numeric()

df_class['Test 2 (20%)'] = df_class['Test 2 (20%)'].str.replace("'", "")
df_class['Test 2 (20%)'] = pd.to_numeric(df_class['Test 2 (20%)'])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 35 entries, 0 to 34
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   Unnamed: 0    35 non-null     int64  
 1   Name          35 non-null     object 
 2   Student No    35 non-null     object 
 3   Major         35 non-null     object 
 4   Gender        35 non-null     object 
 5   Test 2 (20%)  32 non-null     float64
 6   Test 1 (30%)  33 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 2.0+ KB

Back to the original discussion

Okay, let’s continue discussing ways to peek into the file.

       Unnamed: 0  Test 2 (20%)  Test 1 (30%)
count   35.000000     32.000000     33.000000
mean    17.000000     15.405750     18.534455
std     10.246951      2.229394      3.487934
min      0.000000      9.040000     12.246000
25%      8.500000     14.360000     15.918000
50%     17.000000     15.820000     18.366000
75%     25.500000     16.880000     20.817000
max     34.000000     18.960000     26.328000

describe() gives us some summary statistics. By default, it only shows information relevant to the numerical columns. But let’s ask for more!

        Unnamed: 0            Name  ... Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
count    35.000000              35  ...    32.000000    33.000000
unique         NaN              35  ...          NaN          NaN
top            NaN  Braiden Henson  ...          NaN          NaN
freq           NaN               1  ...          NaN          NaN
mean     17.000000             NaN  ...    15.405750    18.534455
std      10.246951             NaN  ...     2.229394     3.487934
min       0.000000             NaN  ...     9.040000    12.246000
25%       8.500000             NaN  ...    14.360000    15.918000
50%      17.000000             NaN  ...    15.820000    18.366000
75%      25.500000             NaN  ...    16.880000    20.817000
max      34.000000             NaN  ...    18.960000    26.328000

[11 rows x 7 columns]

unique tells us how many unique entries are present. It also shows information about the top one with the highest frequency. For example, there are four ‘Majors’ and LS appears 14 times. Gender has three unique values, with M appearing 16 times.

2.4 Summaries (II)

I can also do the following to get quick summaries.

  1. Data for a single column.

    df_class['Test 1 (30%)'].mean()
  2. Data for multiple columns.

    df_class[['Test 1 (30%)', 'Test 2 (20%)']].mean()
    Test 1 (30%)    18.534455
    Test 2 (20%)    15.405750
    dtype: float64
  3. Show me all the values

    array(['PHY', 'CHM', 'PHY', 'LS', 'PHY', 'PHY', 'LS', 'LS', 'LS', 'LS',
           'LS', 'LS', 'PHY', 'LS', 'CHM', 'PHY', 'CHM', 'PHY', 'CHM', 'CHM',
           'PHY', 'CHM', 'LS', 'LS', 'LS', 'PHY', 'PHY', 'PHY', 'CHM', 'LS',
           'CHM', 'PHY', 'CBIO', 'LS', 'LS'], dtype=object)
  4. df_class['Major'].unique()
    array(['PHY', 'CHM', 'LS', 'CBIO'], dtype=object)
  5. df_class['Major'].value_counts()
    LS      14
    PHY     12
    CHM      8
    CBIO     1
    Name: count, dtype: int64

    We can typecast these outputs to more familiar lists or dictionaries by:

    {'LS': 14, 'PHY': 12, 'CHM': 8, 'CBIO': 1}
    [14, 12, 8, 1]

    The following is useful too:

    ['LS', 'PHY', 'CHM', 'CBIO']

3 Housekeeping

It is always a good idea to housekeep (wrangle) your data so that you fix issues right at the start.

3.1 Dropping unnecessary columns

Let me start by dropping the unnecessary column Unnamed: 0.

df_class.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'])
Unnamed: 0 Name Student No Major Gender Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
0 0 Braiden Henson A3028967J PHY M 18.96 20.205
1 1 Gustavo Vang A1282849W CHM F 17.44 13.470
2 2 Ronin Christian A5408925A PHY M 15.56 18.366
3 3 Owen Anderson A6973859L LS F 16.36 18.366
4 4 Kyla Young A5410124H PHY M NaN 15.306

Okay, it seems to have worked but, if you look at df_class, you will see nothing has changed!

Unnamed: 0 Name Student No Major Gender Test 2 (20%) Test 1 (30%)
0 0 Braiden Henson A3028967J PHY M 18.96 20.205
1 1 Gustavo Vang A1282849W CHM F 17.44 13.470
2 2 Ronin Christian A5408925A PHY M 15.56 18.366
3 3 Owen Anderson A6973859L LS F 16.36 18.366
4 4 Kyla Young A5410124H PHY M NaN 15.306

What is happening is that the drop() command drops, but gives us a new dataframe without changing the original. There are two ways to change our original dataframe.

One is simply to update the variable.

df_class = df_class.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'])

Another is to set the option inplace=True so that drop() makes the modifications to the original dataframe, inplace.

df_class.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'], inplace=True)

If you do this, there will be no output displayed. Note also that not all methods offer the option inplace.


Remember to update the original dataframe if you make changes by either updating the variable or using inplace

I find this behaviour of not modifying the original dataframe until we explicitly say so very useful. I can mess with the dataframe as I like and only update when I know I am ready.

3.2 Reorganising columns

I like to reorganise my columns so that the student number is the first column. I can do it like this:

columns_to_keep = ['Student No', 'Name', 'Major', 'Gender',
                   'Test 1 (30%)', 'Test 2 (20%)']

df_class = df_class[columns_to_keep]

Incidentally, I could have done the reorganisation and dropping with this single step. However, this can get tedious if you have a lot of columns.

3.3 Renaming columns

Let’s now rename some of the columns. This is very easy; we just have to supply a dictionary with the columns we want to update. The changes I want are:

new_column_info = {'Student No': 'MATRIC_NO',
                   'Test 1 (30%)': 'Test 1',
                   'Test 2 (20%)': 'Test 2'}

df_class.rename(columns=new_column_info, inplace=True)
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2
0 A3028967J Braiden Henson PHY M 20.205 18.96
1 A1282849W Gustavo Vang CHM F 13.470 17.44
2 A5408925A Ronin Christian PHY M 18.366 15.56
3 A6973859L Owen Anderson LS F 18.366 16.36
4 A5410124H Kyla Young PHY M 15.306 NaN

3.4 Setting the index

At the moment, the indices are just numbers from 0 to 34. You can check this with

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=35, step=1)

However, I want to change it so I can refer to my rows using the MATRIC_NO (I will show you why this is useful later).

df_class.set_index('MATRIC_NO', drop=False, inplace=True)

I am asking Pandas to use the values of the column ‘MATRIC_NO’ as indices for the rows. I put drop=False to prevent Pandas from dropping the column because I still like to keep it.

MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2
A3028967J A3028967J Braiden Henson PHY M 20.205 18.96
A1282849W A1282849W Gustavo Vang CHM F 13.470 17.44
A5408925A A5408925A Ronin Christian PHY M 18.366 15.56
A6973859L A6973859L Owen Anderson LS F 18.366 16.36
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young PHY M 15.306 NaN

3.5 Applying changes

There are a few things I like to change with the data.

  1. Replacing the abbreviation for the majors with full names,
  2. Replacing the abbreviation for the ‘M’, ‘F’, ‘NB’ with their full forms.
  3. The Test 2 column has all its numbers between inverted commas (e.g. ‘16.36’ ). I like to remove these inverted commas.

The first two are very simple. But before we do anything, let’s get a list of all the unique items in the columns Majors and Gender.

array(['PHY', 'CHM', 'LS', 'CBIO'], dtype=object)
array(['M', 'F', 'NB'], dtype=object)

Now that we know the unique values, let’s make the changes.

replace_info = {
    'PHY': 'Physics',
    'CHM': 'Chemistry',
    'LS': 'Life Sciences',
    'CBIO': 'Comp. Biology',
    'F': 'Female',
    'M': 'Male',
    'NB': 'Non-binary'

df_class.replace(to_replace=replace_info, inplace=True)

There are a few ways to do the third. Let me show you the method that is the most versatile and uses the apply() method.

def clean(text):
        return text.replace("'", "")
    except AttributeError:
        # This will handle the NaN of the missing data
        return text

df_class['Test 2'] = df_class['Test 2'].apply(clean)

Here we use the apply() method to apply my function clean to the column ‘Test 2’. The missing numbers in this column are a bit annoying because they are replaced with NaN, which is a float, while everything else is a string (i.e. English). So, I have included a try-except statement to get around this. Again, I know the exact error because Python screamed it at me when I did not account for the error. The apply() method is super useful and can be used to do more complicated things. This is good enough for now.

Let’s see what our handiwork looks like:

MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2
A3028967J A3028967J Braiden Henson Physics Male 20.205 18.96
A1282849W A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry Female 13.470 17.44
A5408925A A5408925A Ronin Christian Physics Male 18.366 15.56
A6973859L A6973859L Owen Anderson Life Sciences Female 18.366 16.36
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN

3.6 Changing Column Type

Let’s now change the column type for some of our columns so that they are more representative of the data they carry. First, remember that we have a problem with column ‘Test 2’ in that it is in English and not in number format viz.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 35 entries, A3028967J to A7667457P
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   MATRIC_NO  35 non-null     object 
 1   Name       35 non-null     object 
 2   Major      35 non-null     object 
 3   Gender     35 non-null     object 
 4   Test 1     33 non-null     float64
 5   Test 2     32 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 1.9+ KB

Changing type is done with a dictionary and is just as easy. I will also change the type of Major and Gender as they hold categorical data (i.e. data that are limited to a fixed number of options).

new_type_info = {'Major': 'category',
                 'Gender': 'category',
                 'Test 2': 'float'}

# atype does NOT have an inplace option
df_class = df_class.astype(new_type_info)      

Let’s check if this worked.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 35 entries, A3028967J to A7667457P
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------     --------------  -----   
 0   MATRIC_NO  35 non-null     object  
 1   Name       35 non-null     object  
 2   Major      35 non-null     category
 3   Gender     35 non-null     category
 4   Test 1     33 non-null     float64 
 5   Test 2     32 non-null     float64 
dtypes: category(2), float64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 1.8+ KB

Yup, looks good.

3.7 Adding a new column

We should create a new column called Total to hold the total score. This is laughably simple.

df_class["Total"] = df_class["Test 1"] + df_class["Test 2"]
MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
A3028967J A3028967J Braiden Henson Physics Male 20.205 18.96 39.165
A1282849W A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry Female 13.470 17.44 30.910
A5408925A A5408925A Ronin Christian Physics Male 18.366 15.56 33.926
A6973859L A6973859L Owen Anderson Life Sciences Female 18.366 16.36 34.726
A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN NaN

3.8 Saving to file

Let’s export our dataframe as an Excel file (many other options are possible!).

df_class.to_excel('finalised_scores.xlsx', index=False)

I have used the index=False to tell Pandas not to write the index column.

3.9 The recipe so far

Ideally, what should follow now is fixing any missing data. However, I will postpone that discussion to the next chapter and move on to another important thing to do with dataframes. Before that, however, let me show you the full recipe we have so far been building.

df_class = pd.read_excel('dummy-class-1-of-2.xlsx', skiprows=1)

#------------------ Drop and reorganise columns  -----------------#
columns_to_keep = ['Student No', 'Name', 'Major', 'Gender',
                   'Test 1 (30%)', 'Test 2 (20%)']

df_class = df_class[columns_to_keep]

#------------------------- Rename columns ------------------------#
new_column_info = {'Student No': 'MATRIC_NO',
                   'Test 1 (30%)': 'Test 1',
                   'Test 2 (20%)': 'Test 2'}

df_class.rename(columns=new_column_info, inplace=True)

#--------------------- Set index to MATRIC_NO --------------------#
df_class.set_index('MATRIC_NO', drop=False, inplace=True)

#-------------------------- Rename stuff -------------------------#
replace_info = {
    'PHY': 'Physics',
    'CHM': 'Chemistry',
    'LS': 'Life Sciences',
    'CBIO': 'Comp. Biology',
    'F': 'Female',
    'M': 'Male',
    'NB': 'Non-binary'

df_class.replace(to_replace=replace_info, inplace=True)

#---------------- Remove the ' ' from column Test 2 --------------#

def clean(text):
    Function to remove ' ' from column 'Test 2'.
    To be applied using apply()
        return text.replace("'", "")
    except AttributeError:
        # This will handle the NaN of the missing data
        return text

df_class['Test 2'] = df_class['Test 2'].apply(clean)

#--------------- Convert column Test 2 to type float -------------#
new_type_info = {'Major': 'category',
                 'Gender': 'category',
                 'Test 2': 'float'}

df_class = df_class.astype(new_type_info)

#------------------------ Add a new column -----------------------#
df_class["Total"] = df_class["Test 1"] + df_class["Test 2"]

#------------------------- Export the file -----------------------#
df_class.to_excel('finalised_scores.xlsx', index=False)


4 Asking questions

Now we are ready to start probing our dataset for interesting tidbits. But first, we need to know ourselves around the dataframe.

4.1 Locating data

Pandas offer us two ways (loc and iloc) to access and locate the data in our dataframe.

Using iloc

We use iloc by specifying an index (like with a NumPy array). So, the following will show the contents from rows 11, 12, and 13 of columns 3 and 4 (Remember that Python is zero-indexed!).

df_class.iloc[10:13, 2:4]
Major Gender
A7067766E Life Sciences Female
A5569996J Life Sciences Male
A3202548I Physics Male

Using loc

We use loc by specifying a names of rows (i.e. the indexes) or a mask. I will explain the mask part in a bit; for the moment, here is how to get the same output as above. Please note that the ‘numbers’ corresponding to rows from 11 to 14, in this case, are ‘names’.

df_class.loc[["A7067766E", "A5569996J", "A3202548I"], ["Major", "Gender"]]
Major Gender
A7067766E Life Sciences Female
A5569996J Life Sciences Male
A3202548I Physics Male

4.2 Asking questions with masks

loc is most powerful with a mask (like NumPy) array. You can create a mask of (True and False) by asking a simple question. Here are some examples.

  1. df_class["Major"] == "Chemistry"
    A3028967J    False
    A1282849W     True
    A5408925A    False
    A6973859L    False
    A5410124H    False
    A9568373Q    False
    A6824244G    False
    A9194090U    False
    A4828364M    False
    A4607700C    False
    A7067766E    False
    A5569996J    False
    A3202548I    False
    A6131593U    False
    A7653832E     True
    A9462811I    False
    A1218599T     True
    A7210476B    False
    A1512479K     True
    A7986368Y     True
    A2727061A    False
    A2999472W     True
    A7116486E    False
    A6931452S    False
    A9649096H    False
    A1643380L    False
    A6787293E    False
    A5975988J    False
    A3699958T     True
    A1956366U    False
    A1468689D     True
    A3217320C    False
    A6867791C    False
    A4080490P    False
    A7667457P    False
    Name: Major, dtype: bool

    as you can see, the ‘answer’ is a bunch of True and False values for the whole dataframe. You can then apply these True and False values to mask the values that are False like this:

    df_class.loc[df_class["Major"] == "Chemistry"]
    MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
    A1282849W A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry Female 13.470 17.440 30.910
    A7653832E A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female NaN 15.720 NaN
    A1218599T A1218599T Camden Williams Chemistry Female 22.653 17.648 40.301
    A1512479K A1512479K Solomon Fletcher Chemistry Female 18.981 15.000 33.981
    A7986368Y A7986368Y Riley Christensen Chemistry Female 15.306 16.016 31.322
    A2999472W A2999472W Skylar Hensley Chemistry Male 23.877 17.648 41.525
    A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN
    A1468689D A1468689D Isabela Stokes Chemistry Male 18.366 16.800 35.166
  2. You can invert a mask with the ~ like this.

    df_class.loc[~(df_class["Major"] == "Life Sciences")]
    MATRIC_NO Name Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
    A3028967J A3028967J Braiden Henson Physics Male 20.205 18.960 39.165
    A1282849W A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry Female 13.470 17.440 30.910
    A5408925A A5408925A Ronin Christian Physics Male 18.366 15.560 33.926
    A5410124H A5410124H Kyla Young Physics Male 15.306 NaN NaN
    A9568373Q A9568373Q Wyatt Oliver Physics Male 12.246 14.088 26.334
    A3202548I A3202548I Jaxon Chung Physics Male 14.082 16.680 30.762
    A7653832E A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female NaN 15.720 NaN
    A9462811I A9462811I Leo Mayo Physics Female 20.817 14.680 35.497
    A1218599T A1218599T Camden Williams Chemistry Female 22.653 17.648 40.301
    A7210476B A7210476B Sidney Wiggins Physics Non-binary 19.593 14.680 34.273
    A1512479K A1512479K Solomon Fletcher Chemistry Female 18.981 15.000 33.981
    A7986368Y A7986368Y Riley Christensen Chemistry Female 15.306 16.016 31.322
    A2727061A A2727061A Malik Becker Physics Male 12.858 NaN NaN
    A2999472W A2999472W Skylar Hensley Chemistry Male 23.877 17.648 41.525
    A1643380L A1643380L Carolina Mcmahon Physics Male 12.858 18.080 30.938
    A6787293E A6787293E Elian Potter Physics Male 23.265 14.360 37.625
    A5975988J A5975988J Litzy White Physics Non-binary 20.817 15.920 36.737
    A3699958T A3699958T Norah Miles Chemistry Male NaN NaN NaN
    A1468689D A1468689D Isabela Stokes Chemistry Male 18.366 16.800 35.166
    A3217320C A3217320C Kathleen Rodriguez Physics Male 22.653 17.760 40.413
    A6867791C A6867791C Katie Ayers Comp. Biology Female 16.530 10.280 26.810
  3. Let’s create another mask for all the Chemistry students who identify as Female.

    # Create mask
    mask = (df_class["Major"] == "Chemistry") & (df_class["Gender"] == 'Female')
    # Using mask
    df_class.loc[mask, ["Name", "Major", "Gender"]]    
    Name Major Gender
    A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry Female
    A7653832E Quentin Kemp Chemistry Female
    A1218599T Camden Williams Chemistry Female
    A1512479K Solomon Fletcher Chemistry Female
    A7986368Y Riley Christensen Chemistry Female
    Cool right!
  4. Let’s do another one. How about all students who scored less than 15% on Test 1?

    mask = df_class["Test 1"] < 15
    df_class.loc[mask, ["Name", "Major", "Test 1"]]   
    Name Major Test 1
    A1282849W Gustavo Vang Chemistry 13.470
    A9568373Q Wyatt Oliver Physics 12.246
    A3202548I Jaxon Chung Physics 14.082
    A2727061A Malik Becker Physics 12.858
    A1643380L Carolina Mcmahon Physics 12.858

4.3 The magic of groupby()

Let me show you how to use the mesmerising, extremely powerful function groupby(). It is absurd how simple some things become with the right tools.

Here are some examples.

  1. What are the means of the scores for the various test, according to Major?

    Test 1 Test 2 Total
    Chemistry 18.7755 16.610286 35.534167
    Comp. Biology 16.5300 10.280000 26.810000
    Life Sciences 19.2420 14.690286 33.932286
    Physics 17.7555 16.076800 34.567000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning. We use numeric_only=True to tell Pandas not to try evaluating a mean for non-numeric (‘Gender’ in this case) columns. However, I find this a tad annoying and non-intuitive for other (see agg() below) actions. So, I prefer to explicitly ask for the columns I want.

    df_class.groupby(by=["Major"])[['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Total']].mean()
  2. Let’s group-by Major and Gender.

    df_class.groupby(by=["Major", "Gender"])[['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Total']].mean()
    Test 1 Test 2 Total
    Major Gender
    Chemistry Female 17.602500 16.364800 34.128500
    Male 21.121500 17.224000 38.345500
    Non-binary NaN NaN NaN
    Comp. Biology Female 16.530000 10.280000 26.810000
    Male NaN NaN NaN
    Non-binary NaN NaN NaN
    Life Sciences Female 19.285875 14.801000 34.086875
    Male 20.357250 15.644000 36.001250
    Non-binary 16.836000 12.340000 29.176000
    Physics Female 20.817000 14.680000 35.497000
    Male 16.871000 16.498286 34.166143
    Non-binary 20.205000 15.300000 35.505000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.

  3. If you don’t want the grouping parameters as indices, you can use as_index=False.

    df_class.groupby(by=["Major", "Gender"], as_index=False)[['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Total']].mean()
    Major Gender Test 1 Test 2 Total
    0 Chemistry Female 17.602500 16.364800 34.128500
    1 Chemistry Male 21.121500 17.224000 38.345500
    2 Chemistry Non-binary NaN NaN NaN
    3 Comp. Biology Female 16.530000 10.280000 26.810000
    4 Comp. Biology Male NaN NaN NaN
    5 Comp. Biology Non-binary NaN NaN NaN
    6 Life Sciences Female 19.285875 14.801000 34.086875
    7 Life Sciences Male 20.357250 15.644000 36.001250
    8 Life Sciences Non-binary 16.836000 12.340000 29.176000
    9 Physics Female 20.817000 14.680000 35.497000
    10 Physics Male 16.871000 16.498286 34.166143
    11 Physics Non-binary 20.205000 15.300000 35.505000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.

  4. If you are only interested in a specific column, you can do this:

    df_class.groupby(by=["Major", "Gender"])["Test 1"].mean()
    Test 1
    Major Gender
    Chemistry Female 17.602500
    Male 21.121500
    Non-binary NaN
    Comp. Biology Female 16.530000
    Male NaN
    Non-binary NaN
    Life Sciences Female 19.285875
    Male 20.357250
    Non-binary 16.836000
    Physics Female 20.817000
    Male 16.871000
    Non-binary 20.205000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.

  5. Other ‘in-built’ function you can use are count(), sum(), mean(), median(), min(), max(), mode(), std(), var(). However, you can far more out of groupby() by using agg() to apply any function. Let me show you how to apply some functions from NumPy.

    df_class.groupby(by=["Major", "Gender"])[['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Total']].agg([np.mean, np.std]).round(2)
    Test 1 Test 2 Total
    mean std mean std mean std
    Major Gender
    Chemistry Female 17.60 4.07 16.36 1.14 34.13 4.33
    Male 21.12 3.90 17.22 0.60 38.35 4.50
    Non-binary NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    Comp. Biology Female 16.53 NaN 10.28 NaN 26.81 NaN
    Male NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    Non-binary NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    Life Sciences Female 19.29 2.07 14.80 2.61 34.09 3.84
    Male 20.36 4.37 15.64 1.49 36.00 4.95
    Non-binary 16.84 2.16 12.34 1.90 29.18 0.27
    Physics Female 20.82 NaN 14.68 NaN 35.50 NaN
    Male 16.87 4.35 16.50 1.89 34.17 5.15
    Non-binary 20.20 0.87 15.30 0.88 35.50 1.74

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning. :1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function mean at 0x7fc8efe08f40> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.mean. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string “mean” instead. :1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function std at 0x7fc8efe09080> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.std. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string “std” instead.

  6. You can even combine groupby() with a mask. For example, let’s see how all the Female students are doing.

    mask = df_class['Gender'] == 'Female'
    Test 1 Test 2 Total
    Chemistry 17.602500 16.3648 34.128500
    Comp. Biology 16.530000 10.2800 26.810000
    Life Sciences 19.285875 14.8010 34.086875
    Physics 20.817000 14.6800 35.497000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.

    Just for comparison,

    df_class.groupby(by=["Gender", "Major"]).mean(numeric_only=True)
    Test 1 Test 2 Total
    Gender Major
    Female Chemistry 17.602500 16.364800 34.128500
    Comp. Biology 16.530000 10.280000 26.810000
    Life Sciences 19.285875 14.801000 34.086875
    Physics 20.817000 14.680000 35.497000
    Male Chemistry 21.121500 17.224000 38.345500
    Comp. Biology NaN NaN NaN
    Life Sciences 20.357250 15.644000 36.001250
    Physics 16.871000 16.498286 34.166143
    Non-binary Chemistry NaN NaN NaN
    Comp. Biology NaN NaN NaN
    Life Sciences 16.836000 12.340000 29.176000
    Physics 20.205000 15.300000 35.505000

    :1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.

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