Using Jupyter (Need), Exercises

Exercise 1 (Put it in Markdown)

1 Quadratic Equations


(Image from the Wikipedia page on Quadratic equations)

The general form of a quadratic equation is:

\[ ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \]


Provided \(a\ne0\), we can use an elementary algebraic method called completing the square to show that a quadratic equation has the following solution: \[ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} \]


The quantity \(\Delta = b^2-4ac\) is called the discriminant of the equation and decides the nature of its solutions. The table below shows the various possibilities.

Discriminant Roots
\(\Delta = b^2-4ac = 0\) A single solution of \(-b/(2a)\)
\(\Delta = b^2-4ac \gt 0\) Two distinct solutions
\(\Delta = b^2-4ac \lt 0\) No real solutions; both are complex.

Use a Markdown cell to reproduce the short introduction to quadratic equations presented in the Result tab.

Exercise 2 (In your own words)

Use a Markdown cell to answer the following.

  1. What is a Git repository?
  2. Git keeps tracks of ____BLANK____ in the files in our repository.
  3. What is a commit?
  4. What is a push?
  5. What is a pull?
  6. What is the difference between GitHub and GitHub Desktop?
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