Virtual Environments (Nice!)


The material in this ‘Nice’ chapter is optional. The discussion typically deals with content beyond what a novice should know. So, please finish all the ‘Need’ and ‘Good’ portions before you go through this chapter.

What to expect in this chapter

Python allows you to maintain multiple environments, each with different packages and even different versions of Python. In this short chapter, I will discuss how to create and manage these environments and why they are beneficial. I will also touch on other things you can do to keep your Python environment updated and clean.

1 Why Use Virtual Environments?

  1. Avoid Clutter: When you install a package using conda (or pip), it will typically install it to your default (base) installation. Installing packages globally like this can lead to a cluttered and unwieldy environment, especially when tools like conda or pip attempt to resolve dependencies.

  2. Safe Testing: You might want to test a package safely without risking your base installation. Virtual environments allow experimentation without affecting the global Python setup.

  3. Collaboration: If you are working on a collaborative project, sharing your code and environment setup ensures consistency among team members.

  4. Version Conflicts: Some packages may have compatibility issues with specific versions. Isolating each project’s dependencies prevents breaking changes when upgrading or downgrading packages.

  5. Legacy Code: There are instances when package upgrades will break your code due to code compatibility issues. Virtual environments allow you to maintain specific versions of packages to get around this problem.

2 Working with Environments

The following is a quick summary based on the instructions at the Conda wesbite. Please refer to that page for more details about optimizing the setup process.

If your installation is based on pip you must use venv. You can find more details about it here.

The following creates a virtual environment named my_virtual_env that uses Python version 3.10. It also installs specific versions of the SciPy and NumPy.

conda create -name my_virtual_env python=3.10 scipy=0.17.3 numpy=1.24

To use an environment, you must activate it from the terminal. The following command activates the environment, switching to its specific Python and package setup.

conda activate my_virtual_env

Use this command to return to your base environment.

conda deactivate

Export the environment’s packages to a file for sharing:

conda env export > environment.yml

Others can replicate your environment by running:

conda env create -f environment.yml
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