The poster boy for living fossils might be more modern in some sense than previously thought. Read on to find out more about how Coelacanths keep themselves up-to-date!
Read MoreSPS Science Briefs
Enjoy our quick-bites of quirky and fun science! Dive into our archives of interesting topics.
The Economics of Vampirism: Blood against Social Welfare
Vampires are mythical creatures known for their bloodthirsty diets. If such beings were to exist and rise up, how should we combat them? Join Kai Xiang as he shares with us how societies could best counter these supernatural beings from an unexpected standpoint, economics.
Read MoreUnder Pressure: Hyperbaric Oxygen for Treating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide. The silent deadly killer. It hijacks our oxygen pathways and suffocates us without us even knowing. Darren shares with us how the nefarious plans of this silent killer can be thwarted!
Read MoreMantis Shrimp-Inspired Camera
The unsuspecting Mantis Shrimp. Tiny, but full of secrets. What could it be hiding from us? Kellie looks into the hidden world of this little critter, and sees what we have been missing out!
Read MoreLead Halide Perovskites: Rainbow in a Bottle
Lead Halide Perovskites. A term that many of us have never heard of before. However, it is standing at the forefront of materials research! Max explains how amazing these materials are, and why you should take note!
Read MoreCSI Dino: Death by Mercury Poisoning?
How did the dinosaurs die out? Was it really an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs? Dive in with Annabel as we sleuth out another possible reason for their extinction!
Read MoreThe Things That Need Not Be Said: The Redundancy of Languages
Language is an intrinsic part of our daily lives. Yet, we hardly ever think about its intricate workings. Join Kai Xiang as he probes into an interesting quirk of language!
Read MoreA Different Perspective Brings a Different Colour
Butterflies adorn our surroundings with bright bursts of colour rarely found in elsewhere in nature. But how do these tiny beauties do it? Yi Yang brings us through the hidden secrets underneath that guileless exterior!
Read MoreMagnetoreception: The Sixth Sense
The world around us is vast, and we are mere blind men, stumbling in the dark. What else are we missing out on? Find out more about other ways animals sense the world!
Read MoreFrom Trash to Treasure: A brief summary of the valuable carbon materials that can be formed using CO2
Carbon dioxide. The bleak overhanging ghost of humanity's existence on Mother Earth. Is there a way to exorcise this spook from our world? Guan Xin investigates how we can reuse the footprints of our past to pave the way into the future!
Read MoreThe Statistician’s Guide to the Galaxy: Revisiting the Drake Equation
No really, where are all the aliens? We lonely apes on this ball of dirt have been looking into the void for companions. But where is everyone? Are we really alone?
Read MoreDwellers of the Deepest Deep: A Biochemical Manual to Surviving the Abyss
Imagine a deep abyss without light, stretching thousands of metres beneath the sea. What life could possibly exist there? How could they possibly survive?
Read MoreDumbbell-Shaped Machine Decodes Polystyrene
Nanomachines. A recurring concept in sci-fi flicks. But will this ever become reality? Ryan looks at how nanomachines have began to take fruit in our society!
Read Moreclassical mechanics continue to baffle scientists – a simple chain problem?
A falling chain isn't always falling! Hillson shares more!
Read MoreMagic Bullet? No more.
When penicillin was first discovered, people thought that humanity had overcame bacteria infection and death caused by these germs are a thing of the past. However, due to the overuse of antibiotics, “Superbugs” which are bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics classes started to emerge. The efficiency of antibiotics started to...
Read MorePlatonic Solids, Chemical Explosives, and the World’s Smallest Helium Balloon
Plato defined 5 solids that constituted the universe, before our understanding of atoms and molecules came about. However, can these shapes arise in nature? Find out more with Jonathan!
Read MoreLaser: Light that Burns
You've probably remembered playing cool lasers during your childhood. These lasers produce a powerful beam of light, unlike the normal light emitted from a torch or a lightbulb. But how does it do that? What is the difference between lasers and light? Join Kai Xiang on a journey to learn...
Read MoreTime Crystals: An Eternity in Motion
Time crystals - sounds like something out of a science-fiction flick. They represent a novel state of matter that is unlike any other we have discovered so far. But what exactly are they?
Read MoreSingle Photon Detection: Limits of the Human Eye
Eyes are remarkable organs, capable of sensing light. For most of us, they are our main conduit for interpreting the world around us. We know that when moving from a bright location to a dark area, our eyes need time to adapt to be able to see in low light...
Read MoreBuzz-pollination: The Secret Handshake Between Flowers and Bees
Bees and flowers are natures dynamic duo. They are the poster child of beauty and inter-species teamwork that drives the growth of nature. Hai Xiang buzzes into the intricacies of their interactions!
Read MoreHow Do Neurons Connect With Each Other?
An adult brain is a powerful machine made up of 100 billion interconnected neurons! Have you ever wondered how these connections form in your nervous system? Xuek Qee untangles this web of linkages and finds out what makes us tick!
Read MoreRadiation in Foods? Friend or Foul?
Radiation and food together? That sounds suspicious! Join Alpha as he uncovers the truth of radiation in our foods!
Read MoreCan You Describe Colour in Words?
Red. Green. Blue. How would you explain the meaning of these words to someone without sight? Gabriel delves into the complex intermingling between the nuances of colour and language!
Read MoreHotter than Hot: Negative Temperatures
Absolute zero. The coldest temperature possible you can go. Is there a highest temperature you can reach?
Read MoreA Bet You Might Not Want To Take – Is A Coin Toss Ever Fair?
Heads or tails? A coin flip might not be a simple as you think! Marcus balances out the odds as he investigates how a coin flip is not as it seems!
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