For Committee
Please refer to the documents here for general running of SPS.
For SPS Mentors
Standard Operating Procedure for SPS Mentor payment under the NUS Student Work Scheme (NSWS).
General introduction
- Student Mentors helping with the teaching and administration of the SPS courses, SP2271, SP2273, SP2274, SP3172, SP3275, SP3176 have to apply for the NUS Student Work Scheme.
- The maximum number of hours for each course will be fixed at the beginning of the semester and made known to mentors teaching in the course.
- The payment rates are as followed: Senior mentors (year 4 undergraduates) $20/hour, up to a maximum of 16 hrs per week and graduate mentor ( graduate students) $40/hour.
- For Graduate students, you would need approval from your research supervisor. Also please check the terms and conditions of your graduate scholarships if you are allowed to received payment for TA hours. Additionally, graduate mentors (especially those under research scholarship) are required to clear with the department if you have fulfilled your teaching service to the department. If you have not, you can use SPS mentorship as a mean to fulfil this service (of course, subject to approval from the department).
Before the start of the Semester: Applying for NUS Student Work Scheme for mentorship payment
- Download the NUS Timesheet App, there is a separate system for iOS and Android phone.
- Once you have the app, please log in via NUSNET ID
- Familiarise yourself with a mobile interface
- Dr Robert will upload a list of confirmed mentor onto the NSWS system and then a job offer (via an electronic contract) will be sent to the recipients. Please accept the offer and then an eNSW contract will be sent to you.
During the Semester
- A centralised mentor form will be used from the next academic year onwards to consolidate and streamline compilation of mentor hours.
- Starting this AY, mentors are also required to fill in a brief outline of what was covered during your mentoring session. They do not need to be in a lot of details, but sufficient for an outsider to know what was being done.
- The last day for submission is on Week 13, Friday, 2359hr. After which the forms will be closed and no more recording should be done. Only hours recorded through these forms will count towards payment.
- For junior mentors, a record of your mentoring hours will also be given to head-mentors for consideration during the promotion of junior to senior mentor, therefore please fill in your hours as well.
At the end of each semester,
The head mentors or Dr Robert will send a copy of all the mentoring hours to individual mentors and SPS staff to double-check. Please double check your mentoring hours on the excel form as soon as possible.
To submit timesheet claims
- NUS no longer accept manual timesheet for processing. Please submit all your timesheet via the NUS timesheet app. This timesheet will be the final copy, so please double-check and make sure that you enter everything correctly. Please also state the purpose of the mentoring session.
- Add timesheet manually in the app
- Submit timesheet for endorsement
- Once the timesheets are submitted, they will be checked and endorse by Dr Robert. Then the payment process will kick start.
- Once, everything is finalised and approved, you will receive an email (in your NUS email) telling you the finalised payment.
If there is anything unclear, please contact Dr Robert Lieu.